Radical Open Innovation News week 25-2019

Welcome to our selection of business IT innovation news. Created using our own opinionated selection and summary algorithm. We present some top innovation news items to get you thinking, debating and take action in order to make our world better.

1 People and Machines: Partners in Innovation

We are progressively adding greater autonomy to products and services. AI at Work Intelligent technologies vary in the amount of autonomy they provide. However, we expect that the greatest impact will be to drive innovation deeper into the business — and for that to happen, people and machines must be partners in the innovation process. However, intelligent technologies are improving quickly, which means that innovation based on automation needs to be continuous rather than episodic. Investing in intelligent technologies and in human resources capable of using them, cooperating with them, and innovating from them may be costly. Managers need to recognize that intelligent technologies will find their way into more and more industry sectors and occupations in the coming years.

(MIT Sloan Management Review)

2 Taking back control using open software

The Microsoft Alternatives project (MAlt) started a year ago to mitigate anticipated software license fee increases. MAlt’s objective is to put us back in control using open software. It is now time to present more widely this project and to explain how it will shape our computing environment. While the Microsoft Alternatives project is ambitious, it’s also a unique opportunity for CERN to demonstrate that building core services can be done without vendor and data lock-in, that the next generation of services can be tailored to the community’s needs and finally that CERN can inspire its partners by collaborating around a new range of products.


3 The Human Element in AI

The over 45 speakers at AnacondaCON 2019 delved into how machine learning, artificial intelligence, enterprise, and open source communities are accomplishing great things with data — from optimizing urban farming to identifying the elements in.


4 AI Can Help Us Live More Deliberately

Consider the capacity of AI systems to encourage greater discernment in domains such as the arts, cuisine, fashion, and entertainment. AI is an immensely powerful tool that can help us live and work better by summoning vast amounts of information. The AI systems that Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Facebook use to preselect entertainment and news options are examples. Familiarity notices and psychological reaction notices are designed to trigger only the autonomous mind, but showing notices introduce communicative friction designed to trigger the reflective mind. In so doing, we will often shift from relying on what Kahneman calls our reflective mind (and its deliberative decision-making) to our autonomous mind (and its automatic reactions that guide decisions).

(MIT Sloan Management Review)

5 What’s Next for Ethical Advertising

We are looking to add a few more projects to our ad revenue share program and help more projects reach sustainability with an ethical advertising approach. This brings our advertising revenue back to the level before our ads were added to major ad blocking lists last year. We are actively running free community advertising promoting over ten open source projects and conferences. * While we never tracked users with advertising, we put in place stricter Do Not Track privacy protections. Our ethical ad network is getting closer to launch. Our ethical advertising approach, with no user tracking, has been key to our sustainability and has allowed Read the Docs to continue to build new features and give back to our community. What’s next We have some really interesting developments coming regarding ethical advertising.

(Read the Docs Blog)

6 A platform for Africa’s mobile innovators

Gikandi and Kimani felt those hurdles were holding Africa’s businesses back, so they founded Africa’s Talking to unleash entrepreneurs’ full potential. For AT Labs, Gikandi envisions a studio that brings people with ideas together with technical talent, infrastructure, and business expertise. Gikandi, who ceded his CEO role at Africa’s Talking to lead AT Labs, says the new program will take a small stake in the companies it supports. Sam Gikandi ’05 SM ’06 and Eston Kimani ’05 have always believed in the potential of Africa’s entrepreneurial community. Each country Africa’s Talking expands to brings a wave of entrepreneurs eager to improve lives with innovative, mobile-based solutions. “We think it’s really powerful,” Gikandi says. “Let’s say we add a new payment integration in Nigeria.

(MIT Reseach Innovation)

7 Bling Fire

A lightning fast Finite State machine and REgular expression manipulation library. Created by the Microsoft Bling team. Used by the team for many linguistic operations inside Bing such as Tokenization, Multi-word expression matching, Unknown word-guessing, Stemming / Lemmatization just to mention a few.

(Bling Fire)

8 Pyodide: Python stack in the browser

Pyodide brings the Python runtime to the browser via WebAssembly, along with the Python scientific stack including NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, parts of SciPy, and NetworkX. The packages directory lists over 35 packages which are currently available. Pyodide provides transparent conversion of objects between Javascript and Python. When used inside a browser, Python has full access to the Web APIs. The blog is a great read if you are interested into the detailed technical working.


The Radical Open Innovation overview is a brief overview of innovation news on Digital Innovation and Management Innovation from all over the world. Your input for our next edition is welcome! Send it to [info] at [bm-support]dot[org] To follow ROI news : Use our Atom or RSS feed.