Welcome to our Radical Open Innovation platform! We are an open collaboration and knowledge platform.
To create value for your organization this platform is organized around three central themes: Management Innovation, IT Innovation and Problem Solving Methods. These central themes are briefly outlined below. Make sure to check our current running open innovation projects. If you want to learn more about products and knowledge created our central themes, see our section publications or contact us.
Everyone can join our open innovation platform. No strings attached! See our directory of companies with a open mind who also like learning, sharing and creating value together.

Management Innovation
Innovation in management principles and processes have created a better world. Management innovation has more than any other kind of innovation been an enabler for making our daily lives better. Within our management innovation track the focus is on understanding, learning and improving new models for management.

Digital Innovation
Information Technology (IT) Innovation is a broad and relatively new landscape. New hardware and software combinations make things possible that we could never have imagined ten years ago. Software that automates our work and improves our lives. Within the Digital Innovation track the goal is to bring digital innovation available for anyone without strings attached.

Problem Solving Methods
Solving complex problems requires broadening your perspective, creativity and knowledge base. Complex problem solving requires scientific proven tools, methods, and methodologies to design new solutions.. Solving any innovation challenge requires deep knowledge of available PSMs. This track is focused on harvesting and developing new PSMs using the continuous stream of scientific knowledge developed in this area.