
Real open innovation means that everyone can start and join a project.  Since open innovation is decentralized by design there is only one way to get your project on this list.  Mail us so we list your open innovation project here! And maybe an open company will contact you to help you.

Free and Open Machine Learning

We humans are since the beginning of the development of modern computers obsessed with creating computers that have super powers. Machine learning today is capable of solving challenging problems.

Project goal: Advocate and promote FOSS machine learning.

Join the project or support this project by buying a hard copy of the FOSS machine learning guide.

Read the Free and Open Machine Learning guide.


Open Reference Architecture for Security

Stop reinventing the wheel. Good privacy and security is difficult and complex. Use and reuse open tools and open content to create your solution.

Project goal: Collecting the best open methods, FOSS tools and solutions to improve cyber security and privacy.

Read the Open Security Reference Architecture.

Architecture Playbook

Project goal: Create  IT architectures better and faster.

The Open Architecture Playbook project is all about creating better and faster (IT)Architecture Documents. Tools, templates and more for solving your IT problems using architecture tools that work!

Check The Architecture Playbook.
